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What Not to Do When Using a CPAP: Getting the Most Out of Your Sleep Apnea Therapy

What Not to Do When Using a CPAP: Getting the Most Out of Your Sleep Apnea Therapy

Posted On: April 25, 2024 by CarePro Health Services in: CPAP

We understand that adjusting to CPAP therapy can have its challenges. While CPAP is a highly effective treatment for sleep apnea, there are a few common pitfalls that can make it less comfortable or effective. Below are some things to avoid to get the most out of your CPAP experience.  Skipping on Cleaning: Regular cleaning is essential for maintaining a healthy sleep environment and optimal CPAP function. Dirty masks and tubing can harbor bacteria and allergens, irritate your skin, and even disrupt your sleep. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning your CPAP equipment and consider using distilled water in your humidifier to minimize mineral buildup.  Going Rogue with Pressure Settings: Your CPAP machine is calibrated to deliver a specific level of air pressure, prescribed by your doctor. Trying to adjust this setting yourself can be dangerous and could compromise the effectiveness of your therapy. If you're experiencing discomfort or leaks, don’t
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