Prevent Common CPAP Problems
Posted On: October 15, 2022 by CarePro Health Services in: CPAP

As helpful as CPAP machines can be, there are also some problems that may arise. A CPAP machine is helpful in keeping your airways open when you are asleep and if you are experiencing problems, you may not be getting the maximum benefits from your CPAP machine. We are going to share with you a few ways to prevent common CPAP problems.
1. Dry Nose
CPAP machines can lack moisture and result in a dry or bloody nose, dry mouth, dry throat, and dry or cracked lips. One of the main factors that may cause dryness is if your CPAP mask fits correctly or not. Adjusting and tightening the straps so there is no leakage may be beneficial. Another thing you could do to combat dryness is to try a petroleum-free moisturizer in and around your nose. Using a nasal saline spray may also be helpful!
2. Noisy Mask
If you have found that your CPAP mask is becoming noisy and is affecting your sleep at night, we have a few solutions for you. One solution is that the supplies on your mask need to be replaced. Cushions on the mask get old and may be the reason why your mask is so noisy at night. Another solution is to clean your mask. When bacteria and dirt build up in your mask it may start squeaking and making noises. The last solution to this problem is you might need a different type of CPAP mask. There are a few options when it comes to masks, and you just may need a different type of mask to fix this problem!
3. Claustrophobic Feeling
Getting used to the feeling of your CPAP may be an adjustment that takes time. Often people feel claustrophobic and uncomfortable when first starting CPAP therapy. One thing to combat this feeling is to try the mask on while you are awake to help your body get used to the feeling. You could also try relaxation techniques to combat that feeling and anxiety that the mask is causing. If nothing else is working it may be time for a different mask, maybe this mask doesn’t fit you the best or you just might need a different type of mask.
4. CPAP Mask Not Staying on Through the Night
It is fairly common, especially for new CPAP users, to wake up and find that you have accidentally taken off your mask while sleeping. A different type of mask could be a solution to this problem. Using a full-face mask is more difficult to take off when sleeping, so using one may solve your problem. Your mask could also be too tight and that is why you're removing it while sleeping. Take time to adjust the straps and get a good-fitting mask to combat this issue.
Overall, CPAP machines are extremely helpful in creating quality sleep and helping keep your airways open while sleeping. Using these tips to combat some of those issues you may be experiencing will be helpful. If you have any questions or concerns regarding CPAP problems, contact us - we are here to help!