Safety Measures to Take When Outdoors in the Winter
Posted On: January 21, 2023 by CarePro Health Services in: Winter

As the temperatures get colder, it is important to take the proper safety precautions when spending time outdoors. Oftentimes, we don’t prepare as well as we could and miscalculate just how dangerous cold weather can be. Whether you’re outside for five minutes or five hours, keep the following tips in mind. Continue reading to find out what safety measures to take when outdoors this winter!
Check the Weather
Before spending any time outdoors in the winter, be sure to check the weather to look out for any dangerous temperatures or storms that may be coming your way. After checking the weather, carefully consider whether it is safe to spend time outdoors.
Dress Appropriately
Dressing appropriately for cold temperatures will ensure that your body stays warm and safe. Dressing in layers and trying to incorporate a clothing item that is wind resistant for the outer layer is always a good idea. It is important to wear the basics which include a hat, gloves, scarf, and a neck tube or face mask to protect your face as well. Be sure to wear warm boots to help avoid frostbite.
Stay Dry
When your clothes get wet your body will chill faster than normal, so it is important for you to stay as dry as possible. Many winter clothing items are waterproof, be sure to utilize those when spending time outdoors.
Know the Signs
Knowing the signs of frostbite and hypothermia can help you recognize it and get help quickly.
Signs include shivering, confusion, exhaustion, and slurred speech.
If you see someone experiencing any of these symptoms after spending a period of time outdoors, it is important to get them somewhere warm immediately and get them medical attention as soon as possible.
Signs include white or yellow skin, skin feels firm or waxy, and numbness.
If you or someone else is experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to go somewhere warm immediately and try not to walk on or put pressure on the areas that have been affected. Check for signs of hypothermia as well and seek medical attention immediately.
For more information about hypothermia and frostbite, visit this page from the CDC.
Winter safety precautions are so important to protect yourself and others around you from developing conditions like hypothermia and frostbite. Be sure to be cautious when deciding to spend time outdoors and always follow these safety measures! Have a fun and safe winter!